Is there a list of suppliers/vendors who can offer market solution to meet accurate M&V requirement?
Highly accurate M&V instrumentation was introduced in public sector retrofit projects through the Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance (GESP) programme about 5 years ago. To date, the public sector has awarded over a dozen contracts with stringent M&V requirements. Many vendors are involved, and more of such contracts are in the pipeline. The M&V standard in public sector retrofits is set even higher at ±0.03°C endto-end measurement uncertainty.
A list of accredited ESCOs (Energy Services Companies) is available on the National Environment Agency website, which features MNCs and local SMEs. Some of the ESCOs maintain their own calibration labs; and some also offer performance guarantee through energy performance contracts with financing.
Since 2013, BCA has also started registering competent persons familiar with the M&V standards and practices under the BCA Energy Auditors Scheme. The list of Energy
Auditors registered with BCA can be found in the BCA website. The BCA Academy also conducts a regular course on Measurement and Verification of Central Chilled Water Plant Performance, more information is available on the BCAA website.